Taking Stock with Anil Stocker

Taking Stock | Interview with The Rt Hon. the Baroness Susan Kramer

Anil Stocker Season 1 Episode 8

Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson (Treasury and Economy). 

This week I caught up with Baroness Susan Kramer, a former banker and fund manager who successfully entered politics and served as a Minister under the Cameron/Clegg coalition government, before joining the House of Lords.

Susan is a big advocate for the UK Fintech movement and has done a lot to help the sector become world-leading.

We spent our Taking Stock time covering topics such as:

  • Her personal story of how she became more politically active, eventually quitting the private sector to run as the Liberal Democrat candidate for London Mayor in 2000.
  • Her early involvement in the UK Fintech movement and how she helped build the profile of the industry with Government and the Bank of England.
  • Her views on the key Government interventions during this Covid-19 crisis, including the economic measures from Chancellor Rishi Sunak to help small businesses.
  • Her macro view on what’s on the agenda in the next months and years, and why more entrepreneurs should consider going into politics to fix the big issues the UK will face in the coming decade.

I meet a lot of entrepreneurs who express frustration at our UK politics, so I’m hoping this episode will inspire some to figure out a way how they too can get involved and (with a bit of luck) help steer us through these turbulent times.

Watch the video of this interview: